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Farming Simulator 15

4 files

  1. Oregon Springs

    Welkom in Oregon Springs, dit is mijn eerste map in Amerikaanse stijl. 
    Ik heb de basis van de map gemaakt met Google Earth en DEM Data, de hoogte verschillen en de velden heb ik hiervan gebruikt. 
    Daarna ben ik veder gaan bouwen en zijn de velden hier en daar wat aangepast. 
    De map zal ook worden omgezet voor Farming Simulator 17.

    Wat kun je allemaal vinden in de map:
    Koeien boerderij Schapen boerderij Kippen boerderij Varkens en kalven boerderij Loonbedrijf Voertuigen winkel Biogas Planken zagerij Hout verwerking terrein Tuincentrum Pete's diner, verkooppunt Blue Line Feeds, verkooppunt US Grains, verkooppunt Treinstation, verkooppunt Slachterij om je varkens en kalven te verkopen 32 velden van 1 tot en met 15 hectare per veld
    Wheat, Barely, Canola, Mais, Potatoes, Sugar beets,

    Benodigede Mods:
    Fliegl Vieh Transport Pack
    Kotte Universal Pack

    Ik zal de map zoals gezegd ook gaan omzetten voor farming simulator 17.
    Wanneer je een fout in de map tegenkomt of je hebt een idee laat dit dan zeker weten in het [W.I.P] Topic wat ik hiervoor zal gaan aanmaken.
    Als je vragen hebt kun je op het forum terecht hier kun je met al je vragen terecht!
    Ook wil ik nogmaals het Team bedanken voor het helpen testen en het zo snel samenstellen van de gevonden problemen, dus Bart, Binkie132, Markkerkhof246, Hennie1977, fa285634, Fender551 en Jasper bedankt!

    Map By: Richard / NLD Farmers
    Objects, Buildings, Scripts and Textures: Blobbyfarmer, Danjelmc, Fatian, martinbigM500, Seriousmods, seba j, lacampagnevallonnée, Steffen30muc, FSModding, itisntworking, ThompsonM06, JohnDeere1952, Sivy, Kramarj, Lindbejb, itisntworking, srsmds, Juul, VertexDesign, Blacksheep, DaGoasseLP.
    Laat het me alsjeblieft weten wanneer ik je niet in de credits heb vermeld en ik wel wat van je hebt gebruikt dan zal ik je er zeker nog bij zetten!

    Extra lees aandachtig!:
    ''I do not give permission to edit the map en reupload it.''
    ''Gelieve niet de kaart ergens anders te uploaden zonder de originele download link!''
    ''Please do not upload the map anywhere else without the original download link!''
    ''Bitte nicht die Karte irgendwo sonst laden, ohne den ursprünglichen Download-Link!''


       (14 reviews)


  2. Green River 2016

    Welcome to the Green River Map 2016, v2.3 Multifruit
    Here you can be a Farmer who will be able to seed and harvest more than 160 acres of fields! Or you can go and plant trees and be a lumberjack there is a quite large Forest!
    I wish al of you a good time in the Green River Map 2016 Enjoy! Kind Regards, Richard / NLD Farmers
    What can you find in the map;
    Main farm with Cows, Sheeps, Chickens
    Pig, Beef, Fattening Chicken and Fattening Goose
    Biogass facility
    Contracter where you can also store your grains.
    Vehicle shop.
    Multiple Farmshops, The Ballon Tree, Blacker Hall, and Drewtons where you can sell your Crops Wool and Eggs.
    The Butcher where you can sell, pig, beef, goose and chicken.
    Allgreen Energy where you can store and sell woodchips.
    Milk Factory (no function).
    Sawmill where you can sell your trees.
    Gardenshop where you can sell Grass, Manue and Liquid Manure.
    A large forestry area.
    More than 160 acres of fields!
    Wheat, Barely, Canola, Mais, Potatoes, Sugar beets,
    required mods:
    Kotte Universal Pack
    Fliegl Vieh Transport Pack
    Added Multifruit.
    - Sunflower
    - Luzerne
    - Oat
    - Rye
    - Klee
    Added Straw and Hay bales to grass/straw storage.
    Changed biogass bunkercapacity and bunker speed set a bit higher.
    Changed field dimmensions.
    Changed some object textures.

    Manure and Liquid manure texture changed.
    Added pda icons beef, pig and fattening chicken.
    Added atm icons.
    Replaced the planes of the storage for grass, straw and silage.
    Removed a bump in grass field next to the cows.
    Changed navimesh of the cows, 1 whas stuck in the corner.
    Placed the trigger of the potatos and sugarbeet a bit more outside the shed.
    Added a hole at the grain storage, Added a hole at bioass for manure.
    Replaced some lights, an added extra lights.
    New trigger for Blacker Hall.
    Added milk fill trigger and selling point.
    Added bale selling point.
    Changed prices for the Butcher.
    Added 2 extra atm's.
    Added traffic.
    Changed/replaced some trees.
    Added some small things.
    Changed some object for new models.
    Added a entry to cows grass field.
    Changed some field dimmentions.
    Added Map Buyable Objects,
    Wind park, with daily income.
    Machine shed at the beef and pigs.
    Forest lease agreement.
    NLD Farmers By Richard, Jaguar95, Modding Welt, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic Modding, Mike, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi, 
    Xentro, Fatian, CHRIS1988, Eifok Team, Glower15, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, Niggels, rafftnix, BM Modding, Vertexdesign, 
    fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, GoldFox, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, Farmer_Andy, Farming Place, bluebaby210, manni_112, softfox, Xentro, m4ppj3cts, 
    I would like to thank al the modders for using their objects, buildings, textures..
    I hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you let me know and i will add you in the credits.
    And a special thank you for the v2.3 Multifruit to Jaguar95
    I do not give permission to edit the map en reupload it.
    ''Gelieve niet de kaart ergens anders te uploaden zonder de originele download link!''
    ''Please do not upload the map anywhere else without the original download link!''
    ''Bitte nicht die Karte irgendwo sonst laden, ohne den ursprünglichen Download-Link!''


       (6 reviews)


  3. Green River 2016

    Welcome to the Green River Map 2016.
    Here you can be a Farmer who will be able to seed and harvest more than 160 acres of fields! Or you can go and plant trees and be a lumberjack there is a quite large Forest!
    I wish al of you a good time in the Green River Map 2016 Enjoy! Kind Regards, Richard / NLD Farmers
    What can you find in the map;
    Main farm with Cows, Sheeps, Chickens
    Pig, Beef, Fattening Chicken and Fattening Goose
    Biogass facility
    Contracter where you can also store your grains.
    Vehicle shop.
    Multiple Farmshops, The Ballon Tree, Blacker Hall, and Drewtons where you can sell your Crops Wool and Eggs.
    The Butcher where you can sell, pig, beef, goose and chicken.
    Allgreen Energy where you can store and sell woodchips.
    Milk Factory (no function).
    Sawmill where you can sell your trees.
    Gardenshop where you can sell Grass, Manue and Liquid Manure.
    A large forestry area.
    More than 160 acres of fields!
    Wheat, Barely, Canola, Mais, Potatoes, Sugar beets,
    required mods:
    Kotte Universal Pack
    Fliegl Vieh Transport Pack
    Manure and Liquid manure texture changed.
    Added pda icons beef, pig and fattening chicken.
    Added atm icons.
    Replaced the planes of the storage for grass, straw and silage.
    Removed a bump in grass field next to the cows.
    Changed navimesh of the cows, 1 whas stuck in the corner.
    Placed the trigger of the potatos and sugarbeet a bit more outside the shed.
    Added a hole at the grain storage, Added a hole at bioass for manure.
    Replaced some lights, an added extra lights.
    New trigger for Blacker Hall.
    Added milk fill trigger and selling point.
    Added bale selling point.
    Changed prices for the Butcher.
    Added 2 extra atm's.
    Added traffic.
    Changed/replaced some trees.
    Added some small things.
    Changed some object for new models.
    Added a entry to cows grass field.
    Changed some field dimmentions.
    Added Map Buyable Objects,
    Wind park, with daily income.
    Machine shed at the beef and pigs.
    Forest lease agreement.

    NLD Farmers By Richard, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic Modding, Mike, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi, 
    Xentro, Fatian, CHRIS1988, Eifok Team, Glower15, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, Niggels, rafftnix, BM Modding, Vertexdesign, 
    fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, GoldFox, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, Farmer_Andy, Farming Place, bluebaby210, manni_112, softfox, Xentro, m4ppj3cts, 
    And all the rest of the modders that i not have mentioned, but i used object from.
    I would like to thank al the modders for using their objects, buildings, textures..
    I hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you let me know and i will add you in the credits.
    I do not give permission to edit the map en reupload it.
    ''Gelieve niet de kaart ergens anders te uploaden zonder de originele download link!''
    ''Please do not upload the map anywhere else without the original download link!''
    ''Bitte nicht die Karte irgendwo sonst laden, ohne den ursprünglichen Download-Link!''


       (3 reviews)


  4. Green River 2016

    Green River 2016
    Welcome to the Green River Map 2016.
    Here you can be a Farmer who will be able to seed and harvest more than 160 acres of fields! Or you can go and plant trees and be a lumberjack there is a quite large Forest!
    I wish al of you a good time in the Green River Map 2016 Enjoy! Kind Regards, Richard / NLD Farmers
    What can you find in the map;
    Main farm with Cows, Sheeps, Chickens
    Pig, Beef, Fattening Chicken and Fattening Goose
    Biogass facility
    Contracter where you can also store your grains.
    Vehicle shop.
    Multiple Farmshops, The Ballon Tree, Blacker Hall, and Drewtons where you can sell your Crops Wool and Eggs.
    The Butcher where you can sell, pig, beef, goose and chicken.
    Allgreen Energy where you can store and sell woodchips.
    Milk Factory (no function).
    Sawmill where you can sell your trees.
    Gardenshop where you can sell Grass, Manue and Liquid Manure.
    A large forestry area.
    More than 160 acres of fields!
     Wheat, Barely, Canola, Mais, Potatoes, Sugar beets,
    required mods:
     AnimationMapTrigger http://www.modhoster.de/mods/animation-map-trigger
    GuelleMistKalkModPack http://uploadas.com/2wh02an18vud/GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15.rar.html
    Zunhammer Water/Milk tank http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=1400
    ChoppedStraw V 15.0.05 http://www.modhoster.de/mods/choppedstraw–2
    Fliegl Vieh Transport Pack http://marhu.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=137&t=1862
    NLD Farmers By Richard, Giants, CebuljCek, Mythic Modding, Mike, bluebaby210, Vertexdezign, Katsuo, Dutch Agricultural Modelling, steffen30Muc, Buschi, 
    Xentro, Fatian, CHRIS1988, Eifok Team, Glower15, ReFFarmer, Fatian, Marhu, Luxfarm, Steffen30muc, Nick98.1, Niggels, rafftnix, BM Modding, Vertexdesign, 
    fruktor, fendt2000, MadMax, GoldFox, Marhu, Farmer_Andy, RC-Devil, mkausen, Farmer_Andy, Farming Place, bluebaby210, manni_112, softfox, Xentro, Polygon-A, 
    And all the rest of the modders that i not have mentioned, but i used object from.
    A thank you for testing to,
    Jordy, Dirk, Sven, Mark,Dennis.
    I would like to thank al the modders for using their objects, buildings, textures..
    I hope i do not forget someone in my credits, if i forgot you let me know and i will add you in the credits.
    Please note that I don't give permission to edit the map and re-upload it.
    ''Gelieve niet de kaart ergens anders te uploaden zonder de originele download link!''
    ''Please do not upload the map anywhere else without the original download link!''
    ''Bitte nicht die Karte irgendwo sonst laden, ohne den ursprünglichen Download-Link!''


       (12 reviews)


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