About This File
Install Instructions:
- Place the content of this zip in your blender script/addon folder
- To avoid some further confusion and towards newer blender users-> place this addon in a <<folder>> , not in your base addon folder
-> Note -> Preferably in your appdata folder with the rest of your plugins
Usage Instructions:
Select the part of the mesh in the 3d view.
In case of any selected ( highlighted uv's ) -> manually deselect them
[ if anything is selected or appears wrong, use common sense an correct it manually ]
Press the desired button in the uv-editor.
The uv's will move.
After that they are moved ---> DESELECT <--- your items in the 3d view
Manual moving buttons remain the same
*** Update notes ***
v3.0: Blender 2.80-PR migration
Due to the massive changes towards the software, the plugin might not directly show and the user might
need to activate the filter "User" on the addon screen
If any changes need to be done when 2.8 goes onto official relase version, they will be addressed
v1.2: Added extra materials to the layout. According to source image provided by
discord to me.
v1.1: Bugfix: No longer needed to select anything in the uv-window:
v1.0: Activate the addon in the User section
Then go into the Uv/image editor and the panel should be active as an extra
tab on the Tool panel.
To use it correctly , make sure that Keep UV and Edit mode in sync is <<<<OFF>>>><
Select the desired uv's to move and click the appropriate buttons to move it.
Incase of blender placing the objects in the wrong place, make sure your in the correct mode.
Also 8 directional buttons have been provided that allow directional control
I'm not resposinble for this tool altering your data in unexpexted fashions, please make use of the designed software feature's that are called "Save"