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SaveGameRestarter ( via console ) 1.0.0

   (0 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Tired of hitting the menu each time your modding and need to reload the game, or u just want to swap quickly between savegame's ?

This mod adds 2 commands to the console:

restartMySavegame and    rs

(Both are identical, just one is easier to remember or find when using tab in the console.)

Usage ->    activate the mod in the savegame and then the commands will be added to the console

example:  i want to swap/reload to savegame 3


restartMySavegame 3



Notice,  even though its possible to swap around to savegames, de keep in mind that the mod needs to be activated in each savegame slot if u do not want to loose its function 😉



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