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User-Wish-Map official WiP-Thread

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Hiho and Moin,


this is the official international WiP-Thread for my map based on you user wishes.


To find my way into this project i allready started to build something, so the whole thing slowly starts to come alive :D

After the first progress i will directly give you a chance to critizise it and to name more wishes if there are any.


Here are the first 10 pics for you:


forum1s2y64.jpgforum2yta7d.jpgforum3m9y1l.jpg forum4n7zwe.jpgforum5scx5a.jpgforum6jalf7.jpg forum7m8av4.jpgforum8etz8r.jpgforum9bvzkn.jpg forum10m7y3t.jpg 


Easy to see i try to get the wishes "hills" and "flat land" both done. In the centre of the map i started to create a hill (50-60 meters high), which goes over into flat land the closer it gets to the edge of the map. I hope this way will satisfy both wishes^^


A decision of me was, because of my previous mapping history, to create an island. This is why the flat land goes over into a coast/beach and will make it way easier for me to design the edge^^


But why an island? Well, in fs11 it was 'Dreamy Island', in fs13 it was 'The Eye of the Sea'..in fs15 there is no island made by me until now, so i think it is time^^


My plans so far:

- a small sheep yard for "oldy-lovers" ( you can see it allready on the pictures )

- a small goose-feed/mast yard

- a big dairy with beefe cattle and offspring

- two biogas plants

- yard with pig cattle

- yard for a contractor

- yard for chicken cattle

- harbor (depending on objects i get)

- maybe UPK ready

- some production chains (producer to handling to selling)

- a lot of selling points ( farm shop, supermarket, harbor ( to get one for all ), brewery, mill, butcher, inn, farmers market, sugarfactory, chips factory und whatever someone maybe names :D )

- a bunch of settlings/villages

- industryarea

- whatever i don't remember at the moment :D


This are just plans, what really will be done is written in the stars^^ Important for me is that you get regulary the possibility to post critic ( what you will do i hope ), so the whole project can really be called "Map based on userwishes".  I want you to make the most of the dicisions and only decide the things that are necessary to make something able to be done.


But now enough from my side, opinions please :D 


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Hey guys,


i need you opinion again^^


Do you want a map that is created like it is a real place somewhere on earth, where there is a focus on logical location creation like a farm that has a farmhouse where the farmer lives, and not just a farm with some sheds and a stable, or like a village where you can find things like a postoffice... you know? :D


Or do you want a map that is completly fictitious and where it is possible that there is a waterfall on an island with no real source and it is just there because it looks good? :D


Please tell me what you want^^ 

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You guys are killing me, i made a poll at modding-welt and 84% of our users want a map that is created like a real place, and you guys here are okay with a bit fantasy if it looks good atleast :D This project will be so mixed up i hope it will be good enough in the end :bigsmile:

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